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Student Dress Code

Updated 2022

AR JICA-R Student Attire

As we prepare all students for success by providing meaningful, challenging, and engaging learning experiences including preparing them for college and/or career success, the universal dress code is as follows:

Students must wear:

● Tops (shirt, blouse, sweater, sweatshirt, tank, etc.);with fabric in the front, back and on the sides under the arms; and
● Bottoms (pants, shorts, skirt, dress, etc.) and
● Footwear.

Students must not wear attire that:

● Is pornographic, contains threats or that promotes illegal or violent conduct;
● Demonstrates hate group association/affiliation and/or uses hate speech targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation or other protected groups;
● Shows private parts (nipples, genitals, buttocks). Private parts must be covered by clothing that is opaque (not able to be seen through);
● Shows skin on the student’s abdomen;
● Covers the student’s face to the extent that the student is not identifiable (except that worn for religious purposes) or covers the student to the point that they cannot be identified from the front or the back (ski masks, etc.);
● Demonstrates gang association or affiliation;
● May be used as a weapon;
● Reveals visible undergarments, except waistbands and visible straps are allowed; or
● Swimsuits, except as required for class or athletic practice or meet.

Attire worn in observance of a student’s religion is not subject to this Administrative Rule.

Additional provisions may be required by the Superintendent or his designee when necessary to ensure safety or if required for participation in activities such as fine arts, extra-curricular activities/events or sports/athletics.


Students shall not be disciplined or removed from class as a consequence for wearing attire in violation of this policy unless the attire creates a substantial disruption to the educational environment or poses a hazard to the health and safety of the wearer or others.

Students, at the discretion of the principal or her designee, may be asked to briefly leave the classroom to change clothes or to cover or remove attire that does not comply with Policy JICA or this administrative rule.

Students shall not be referred to as “a distraction” based on their appearance or attire.

All staff will use reasonable efforts to avoid speaking to students about their attire in the presence of other students, staff or other adults unrelated to the student. Discussions with students about violations of the Student Attire policy or this Administrative Rule should be done in a manner that does not cause embarrassment to the student.

Principals are required to ensure that all staff are aware of and understand the guidelines of this Administrative Rule.


Any school uniform programs must be gender neutral and inclusive of attire worn for a religious reason.

Schools that adopt a uniform program will poll their faculty and parents/legal guardians regarding the continuation of the program at three-year intervals.

Schools that decide to participate in the student uniform program will follow these guidelines:

● Each school, with input from parents/legal guardians, will determine the designated uniform. The district urges schools to select practical, generic-type uniforms that will be readily available at a modest cost from local retailers.
● The school will give parents/legal guardians at least three months’ notice prior to implementation of the student uniform program.
● The school will not consider a student non-compliant when the student wears the uniform of a nationally recognized youth organization such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Junior ROTC, etc., on a regular school day.

School Uniform Financial Assistance Plan

Each school, magnet or program that has a student uniform requirement/program will develop a financial assistance plan.

The school will not deny a student attendance at school or penalize a student for failure to wear a uniform for reason of financial hardship. Each school will have a plan for any parent/legal guardian who cannot afford uniforms. However, the district does not expect the school to incur the parental responsibility of providing school clothing for students.

Any parent/legal guardian who cannot afford uniforms may request financial assistance from the school. The individual must establish financial need to the satisfaction of the principal.

Each school will work with staff, the local school community, and business partners to identify resources for assisting families in the purchase of uniforms.

The school will maintain a list of community agencies, uniform retailers, organizations, and individuals willing to assist families in need of help to purchase uniforms.

The school may ask PTAs or school volunteers to coordinate the effort to provide needed assistance and/or coordinate a program for buying and selling of previously used or second hand uniforms.

School Uniform Exemption Procedures

Any parent/legal guardian may exempt his/her child from the student uniform program by following these procedures:
● Request by mail or in person an application for exemption from the student uniform program.
● Complete the application and submit the form to the principal.
● Meet with a designated school administrator to discuss the uniform program to ensure that the party understands the goals of the program and to determine the nature of the parent/legal guardian's objections.

Adopted 7/22/97; Revised 7/1/03, 5/14/13, 8/11/15, 3/14/7, 8/9/2022

Policy JICA Student Attire

It is the mission of Richland School District Two to develop global citizens of tomorrow who are prepared to lead and excel in their chosen pathways. In support of this mission, it is the policy of the district that students and their parents/guardians hold the primary responsibility in determining the student’s personal attire, hairstyle, jewelry and personal items (collectively referred to as attire). Schools are responsible for ensuring that student attire does not interfere with the health or safety of any student, does not contribute to a hostile or intimidating environment for any student and preparing students for college and/or careers. In relation to student attire, the district believes:
● In our core values of Learning, Character, Community and Joy;
● Students should be able to dress in a manner that expresses their individuality without fear of unnecessary discipline or body shaming;
● Students have the right to be treated equitably. Enforcement of this policy will not create disparities, reinforce or increase marginalization of any group nor will it be more strictly enforced against students because of racial identity, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, gender nonconformity, sexual orientation, culture or religious identity, household income, body size/type or body maturity;
● Students are responsible for managing their personal distractions; and
● Students should not face unnecessary barriers to school attendance. The board will review the policy for any changes needed on a periodic basis. The administration will make the final judgment on the appropriateness of a student's attire.

Adopted 11/28/72; Revised 7/22/97, 7/1/03, 5/25/04, 5/14/13, 8/11/15, 8/9/2022 Legal references: S.C. Code, 1976, as amended: Section 59-19-90 (3) - General powers and duties of school trustees