2023 - 2024 Testing Dates
Testing will begin shortly after the start of school each day. Please avoid scheduled absences (i.e. doctor or dentist appointments, etc.) on these days. If you have any questions, pleaes contact Jennifer McLeod (jmcleod@richland2.org).
- April 11 - WIN Career Readiness - all 11th grade students and some 12th graders
- April 16 - SAT
- May 6-17 - AP Testing
- May 16-28 - EOC - End of Course Tests in Algebra 1, English 2, Biology, and U. S. History
Note: Most of these tests must be administered on a school-issued Chromebook. Please ensure that students come to school with a working, FULLY CHARGED Chromebook with an updated OS (operating system) each day, but especially on testing days.